No work, no stress, just relaxation! Everyone pictures these things when anyone talks about retirement. But does retirement really mean relaxation and no stress? Retirement is a stage when anyone decides to take a life-long break from stressful work and regular schedules. It is that phase of life when a person loses the work relationships and daily structures.
Retirement could be both a stressor and a relief too. Most of the people working daily can relate retirement as a complete break from their hectic schedules. But it’s literally complicated because when a person shifts from an effortful working person to a non-working person, the entire schedule changes including daily routines, lifestyle, and many more. Life will be at the relaxing phase but life also slows down. In fact, no stress of any office work may be a great relief and very good for your health but losing the daily scheduling structures and no work may also bring negative impacts on oneself and health.
The sudden transition from hectic working relationships to the relaxation phase may be quite difficult to adjust to. Some research even proved that retirement is ranked 10th on the list of life’s most stressful events. Due to the condition of absolutely no work, one can get various thoughts in mind and think about the financial issues or any other personal matters that may disturb their minds and the relaxation period becomes the depressing stage.
Aging is also one of the major factors for retiring. Due to the aging problem, most people retire and the shifting trends in labor force attachment make them rest for some months, some years but they become the victims of loneliness, depression, and other mental health problems too. Similarly, the retired ones are way more aged and are more prone to several chronic and non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cancer, blood pressure, etc.
But there are now considerable changes in increased life expectancy due to the changes in types of diseases and advanced healthcare treatments but also this has increased the health expenses for the retired ones. In low-income and underdeveloped countries, the majority of the older people have to lose their lives from chronic diseases such as cardiac diseases, cancer, sugar diseases, etc rather than infectious diseases.
Research even proved that one of the major health consequences of aging is the increase in the prevalence of dementia and the reports of WHO have also noted that the risk of dementia rises sharply with age. Many people who are aging suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Apart from suffering from such chronic diseases, they often face social isolation and adoption of some bad habits due to the mental gap. Some core reports have also proven that retirement also heightens the risks for premature mortality and exceeds ill-health indicators.
In one place, retirement can be the major cause for loneliness whereas retirement can lead to improvements in health due to break from stressful work schedules, and educational levels due to free time to achieve academic knowledge or extra knowledge. Retired people can also concentrate on their nutrition due to excessive time. Many people join clubs and practice healthy exercise regimes, and make friends with the same retired ones. It may bring more interaction within the retired people and they can come out from the psychological aspect of social isolation.
After retirement, many people think to spend their time with their loved ones and expecting to have more interaction with their children but due to work pressures or other personal matters, those children or who become adults can not commit time to their retired parents and those retirees face the heartbreaks or mental breakdown but if there is understanding, strong determination to make retirement phase more productive, life can be better.
On the other hand, poor health of one’s partner, family caring responsibilities, inadequate finances, obesity may also bring negative impacts on the people. Problems never leave the side but if the problems or challenges are faced considering oneself and the loved ones too, it will bring more happiness. Physical activity maintaining a good diet and healthy weight is a must for maintaining good health in retirement.
Here are some of the tips to follow for mental health and well-being after retirement:
No health, no happiness
If one doesn’t maintain a good diet and practices unhealthy practices, then his/her health may deteriorate and bad health means extra expenses, extra burden. It’s better to adopt the phrase ‘Prevention is better than cure.’ Dietary recommendations should be taken along with regular exercises and maintaining a balance in retired life and health is a must for a healthy retirement.
Find that PURPOSE after the retirement
Search, find out, and practice that side hustle that you want to do but couldn’t do due to certain reasons. Find that purpose in your retirement phase that accelerates you to obtain and concentrate on that goal without considering your age and physical factors. Strong determination and action are a must.
Making connections with the outside world
Don’t feel isolated and don’t just lock yourself inside the four walls of your house after retirement. Go outside and make connections with the likes of you and share the thoughts, ideas that are circling in your mind. Be open-minded, travel as per your physical ability but don’t just be in the same place for eternity.
Enhance the sense of safety and security
If you don’t feel safe and secure physically, mentally, and financially, you may be facing mental pressures and other health problems too. Spend your expenses in such a way that it can meet further basic and special demands as well. Control your savings wisely. Retirement is all about safety and security from all kinds of stress. But it depends on you how many safety and security measures you applied.
Seek support
If you have anything to share, seek support from your family, loved ones, or several organizations working for the people of retirement. Don’t just burden yourself. Retirement can lead to depression due to no involvement in social activities. Many negative thoughts may lead to bad mental health. So get mental help because retirement is all about retiring from daily work but not compiling burdens of negative thoughts.
Success not only means attaining wealth in the ’30s. The definitions of success may vary. Similarly, setting a purpose in the retirement stage is also good. Many may face mental trauma after retiring but set aside the negativity because the retirement period can also be the blossoming stage to transform into a beautiful flower. Take care of yourself, get involved in social activities, and follow healthy habits.
Healthy retirement, purposeful life, and exploring oneself!
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